What is the OUS researcher navigator?

Okayama University of Science was founded in 1964 with the founding philosophy of "bringing out the full potential of each young person and nurturing human resources who can contribute to society as engineers and members of society." We are celebrating our 50th anniversary.
Our university, which started with just the Department of Applied Mathematics and Department of Chemistry in the Faculty of Science, now has 8 faculties, 20 departments, and 1 course, and is a comprehensive science and engineering university that provides academic research to approximately 6,000 students at the Okayama campus and 1,100 students at the Imabari campus. It has become.

The OUS Researcher Navigator summarizes the research areas and collaborations that each faculty member at our university is working on, and introduces them as a link to the next 50 years.

How to use OUS Researcher Navigator

When you enter the word you want to search in the search field and click the "Search" button, a list of matching researchers will be displayed.

If you click the "Search" button without entering any search terms, or click the "Show All" link below the search field, a list of all registered researchers will be displayed.

If you would like to search in more detail, click the "Refined search" link below the search field to search by item.

You can also search by department to display a list of researchers belonging to each department, or search by SDGs to display a list by SDG symbol.

The list may span multiple pages, so please use the page links at the bottom of the page.

Search by department

Search by SDGs