Faculty of Science, Department of Applied Mathematics
- Professor
- Shintaro KUROKI
- Research Field
Transformation groups, Toric topology
- Keyword(s)
Group action, (Equivariant) Cohomology, Graph
- Research theme
- Cohomological rigidity problem
- Application of GKM theory to geometry
- Classification problem of the spaces with group actions, etc.
Outline of research activitiesIn the word of mathematics, the symmetric structures on spaces are described by groups.
We call such symmetric space a space with group action.
My research interest lies in geometry and topology of the spaces with torus actions.
In this decades, the area so-called toric topology has been emerged.
Roughly speaking, toric topology can construct bridges among different areas (geometry, algebra and combinatorics) by the study of the spaces with torus actions.
In the near future, I would like to continue to study toric topology more deeply and challenge to solve open problems.- Desired cooperation
Faculty of Science, Department of Applied Mathematics
- Associate professor
- Shinzo BANNAI
- Research Field
Algebraic Geometry
- Keyword(s)
Algebraic Curves, Surfaces, Galois Covers, Gröebner Bases
- Research theme
- Classification of the embedded topology of plane curves
- Geometric inverse Galois problem and its applications
- Computational aspects of Algebraic Geometry
Outline of research activitiesAlgebraic Geometry is a field in mathematics that studies geometric objects defined by polynomials. Since polynomials are used in the definition, algebraic methods can be used to study the geometry.
The main objects that I am interested in are rlow dimensional objects such as algebraic curves and surfaces. I try to find “invariants” that can be used to distinguish similar curves, thnik of the “exsitence problem” which asks wheter curves satisfying given conditions exist, and once we know the existance, considr the “construction problem” in which the goal is to explicitely write down the equation. Since explicit equations appear, I sometimes use computers in order to execute my calculations.- Desired cooperation
Faculty of Information Science and Engineering, Department of Information Science and Engineering
- Professor
- Shinji MIYAKE
- Research Field
Learning support system, Software engineering
- Keyword(s)
Learning support system, Understanding, Awareness
- Research theme
- Learning support system for algorithms and programming
Outline of research activitiesEven if you think you understand it, if you look at it from a different perspective, you may find some unclear points.
We are researching the construction of an easy-to-understand learning system that makes difficult-to-understand teaching materials easier to handle, encourages confirmation from multiple perspectives, and is easy to understand.
Based on conventional CAI and e-learning methods, we aim to build and release learning support systems such as algorithms and programming.
We are also researching a system that presents answers to simple puzzles in order to cultivate logical thinking.- Desired cooperation
- Algorithm, programming education support
Faculty of Education, Department of Primary Education
- Associate professor
- Michiko KAMITA
- Research Field
Social Studies Education
- Keyword(s)
Values formation, Elementary school social studies,Formation process of a child's values.
- Research theme
- Focusing on Social Studies lesson to pursue the convincing solution
- Research and Practice of teacher education for Curriculum Maker
- Study on the construction of social studies lessons at an elementary school for the Public judgment
Outline of research activitiesThis study aims to cultivate management curriculum abilities though the Social Teacher Lesson.The study consisted of the following three steps. First I encouraged the student to reflect on their own perceptions on the meanings of learning.Second, their own views of social studies and theories of teaching were relativized by learning about multiple theories of teaching with different goals. Finally I made them understand the importance of engaging in teaching materials study and content construction in accordance with subject objectives, using as material subjects.
- Desired cooperation
- historical science, law, a method of learning
Faculty of Education, Department of Secondary Education
- Professor
- Junichiro TAKENO
- Research Field
English Language Education
- Keyword(s)
Listening, World Englishes, English Teaching Method
- Research theme
- Listening research focusing on rehearsal speed
- Examination of the authentic use of English worldwide
- Research on the relationship between reading and listening comprehension
Outline of research activitiesI am interested in English education in general, and I have conducted listening research focusing mainly on rehearsal speed and processing speed. I am examining the authentic use of English in countries and regions around the world, using research on World Englishes.
I am also interested in research on the relationship between speed-reading and listening comprehension with an awareness of English word order.
Currently, I would like to conduct research on the changes in English education in elementary, junior high and senior high schools due to the revision of the Course of Study, and on how to personally and professonally develop future English teachers at universities.- Desired cooperation
- Listening research
- Research on the use of English in the world with research on World Englishes
- Research on English language education in general.
Faculty of Education, Department of Secondary Education
- Professor
- Research Field
Intercultural education, Intercultural psychology, English Education
- Keyword(s)
Intercultural understanding, Intercultural contact
- Research theme
- Development of intercultural competence of Japanese through contact with foreign pupils
- Practice of cross-cultural understanding education through English language teaching.
- Multicultural Education in Local Communities
Outline of research activitiesI am engaging in research on intercultural contact and acceptance from the perspectives of psychology and pedagogy and English language education. In Japan, the proportion of foreigners in the total population is expected to increase to 10.8% by 2070 (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, 2023), and measures for living with foreigners in the community will be increasingly required in the future. I am promoting research on intercultural psychology and intercultural education practices in order to contribute to the promotion of intercultural understanding education and English language education.
- Desired cooperation
- Practice and effectiveness of multicultural understanding education in local communities.
Faculty of Education, Department of Secondary Education
- Lecturer
- Kosuke FUJIKI
- Research Field
Film Studies, English Linguistics
- Keyword(s)
East Asian cinemas, Okinawan culture, theatre criticism, translation for cinema, adaptation
- Research theme
- The post-reversion Okinawan cinema
- Transcultural adaptation
- Representation of memory and history in cinema
Outline of research activitiesMy research centres on the questions of cultural identity and transnationalism in contemporary East Asian cinemas, with a particular focus on the works of Okinawan filmmakers and the cinematic representations of Okinawa since the 1972 reversion. Recently, I have also been examining transnational film adaptations of Haruki Murakami’s works.
Image: Film cameras (The Cinema Museum, London)- Desired cooperation
- Okinawan film culture
- Remakes, adaptations and intertextuality
- Cinema and transculturalism
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Veterinary Medicine
- Lecturer
- Research Field
Parasitology, Veterinary Parasitology, Phylogeny
- Keyword(s)
Parasite, Trematode, Cestode, Nematode, Helminth
- Research theme
- Relationship between the parasite evolution and their host.
- Parasite dynamics, pathogenesis and morphological and molecular characters.
- More usuful diagnosis and identification methods for parasites.
Outline of research activitiesI analyze influences of biogeographic phenomena such as evolution and migration of host animals on parasite distribution or population using molecular phylogenetic analyses. I’m also conducting research on the mechanisms of migration and pathology of helminths in their host.
- Desired cooperation
- Experimental biological research of parasitic helminths.
- Biogeographic study of host livestocks and wild animals.
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Veterinary Medicine
- Assistant professor
- Research Field
Veterinary Diagnostic Pathology, Veterinary Forensic Science
- Keyword(s)
Diagnostic Pathology, Post-mortem Examination, Veterinary Forensic Science, International Cooperation
- Research theme
- Canine hepatobiliary diseases and feline pulmonary diseases
- Determining the cause of death of animals
- Veterinary forensic science
Outline of research activitiesPathology is the study to investigate the causes and mechanisms of wide variety of diseases.
My activities involve;
■Diagnostic pathology of various animal species especially companion animals.
■”Cosmetic autopsy”: this is an animal-owner-friendly procedure while maintaining scientific/medical robustness.
■Establishment of veterinary forensic science in Japan.
■International cooperation: I used to work in Laos (in Southeast Asia) for 3 years as JICA volunteer and in US for 3 years as veterinary pathology resident at Purdue University (in Indiana). Living abroad is always fun and challenging!
■Development of new career path for veterinary students.- Desired cooperation
- Research on various poorly-understood animal diseases
- Cross-sectional studies for establishment of veterinary forensic sciences in Japan
- Activities to improve animal autopsy rate in Japan
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Veterinary Associated Science
- Professor
- Nobuyuki KIMURA
- Research Field
Experimental pathology, Cell Biology, Zoobiquity
- Keyword(s)
Aging, Brain, Nonhuman Primate, Membrane Traffic
- Research theme
- Pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease
- Aging science
- Membrane traffic and neuronal activity
- Biological adaptation for climate changes
Outline of research activitiesAlzheimer’s disease (AD) is one of the major causative diseases for dementia. Characteristic AD pathology, such as amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, are observed in aged animal brains, suggesting that AD pathology would be the sign of brain aging. Zoobiquity is an approach to investigate and treat diseases without any distinction of species. I have been working on the studies to clarify the mechanism of brain aging and the pathogenesis of AD by using nonhuman primates. I am also interested in how neuronal activities affect membrane traffic system in neural cells.
- Desired cooperation
- Clinical research on age-related diseases.
- Basic research on aging
- Basic research on membrane trafficking
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Veterinary Associated Science
- Lecturer
- Shuji TODA
- Research Field
International Human Rights Law, International Law, World Law
- Keyword(s)
International Human Rights, Universality and Particularity of Human Rights, Human Rights in Africa and Asia
- Research theme
- Methodology of International Human Rights
- Human Rights in Africa: Individual Duties in ACHPR
- UDHR and Customary International Law
Outline of research activitiesIt seems to be common knowledge today that human rights are universal. However, despite the universality of human rights, discrimination based on race and gender, as well as human rights violations arising from religious backgrounds, continue to occur in the international community. One of the reasons behind this problem is the opinion that although the concept of human rights itself is universal, the particular circumstances (cultural) of each region in the international community are different, and therefore it is not really possible to implement human rights with the same standards in all regions. I believe that the universality that human rights possess is not necessarily in conflict with the particularities in a region. In order to pursue and clarify this view, I am researching how human rights (international human rights) should be addressed in the international community (methodology). The study examines this concept from the perspective of whether it is compatible with the universality of human rights. We also study what grounds the universality of human rights. In particular, we are studying whether the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), which was the starting point for the numerous international human rights treaties created mainly by the United Nations, can be recognized as customary international law today.
- Desired cooperation
- International Law and National Law
- Regional Studies on Historical and Cultural Backgrounds
- Implementation of Human Rights in Japan (The Constitution of Japan)
Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education, Center for Fundamental Education
- Professor
- Koji MIKI
- Research Field
German Literature.
- Keyword(s)
German Literature. German Romanticism. Filmstudy
- Research theme
- German Literature of Romanticism.
- German silent film. Friedrich Murnau, Fritz Lang
- Filmstudy of modern Germany, Ireland.
- proberb
Outline of research activitiesMy main study is on German Literature, German Romanticism, and on the filmstudy about Germany and Ireland. I have studied for many years German romantic Literature, especially Novalis, Tieck and Eichendorf. In recent years I have studied German silen film, Friedrich Murnau and Fritz Lang, etc. In pararell with Filmstudy, I am making research on the probaebs of the world.
- Desired cooperation
- Various social problems in the Films, not only in Germany, but in the world.
Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education , Center for Fundamental Education
- Lecturer
- Research Field
Leadership Education, Accompanied Independence Support
- Keyword(s)
Leadership, Followership, Student Support, Goal Achievement
- Research theme
- Leadership education with followership education
- Leadership with followers in mind
- Support for self-reliance through accompaniment, etc.
Outline of research activitiesIn the future society, collaboration between leaders and followers is important.
Therefore, it is important that leaders also learn about followers and learn about followership.
The human resources that companies look for in new hires will include an element of followership.
Mastery of leadership requires that you make your own changes in your own behavior.
It is necessary to look back at one’s own behavior, notice unconscious comments and actions, and change oneself.
We are currently conducting research on building relationships with others, developing oneself, and becoming self-reliant through leadership education.- Desired cooperation
- Career Support
- Career education
- Research on personal growth, etc.
Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education, Center for Fundamental Education
- Lecturer
- Ken-ichi NISHIKAWA
- Research Field
English Language Education, Second Language Acquisition, Learning Support
- Keyword(s)
SLA, EAP/ESP, Foreign Language Learning/Teaching, Motivation, student-oriented
- Research theme
- Enhancing reading skills
- Effective use of media such as music in language classroom
- Foreign language education in the univerity program
- Student-oriented English Language Education
Outline of research activitiesI have wide experience in teaching English in several types of schools such as junior high and high schools, including a correspondence course high school, and a university. So, in the field of English Language Education, I am interested in how to improve English language skills of EFL learners at each stage of language learning and lead them to be self-disciplined learners from the viewpoint of SLA.
In one case, learners at the higher education, e.g. university students, are required to read several literatures in order to gather information or knowledge on their interest. Some literatures may be written in Japanese, but in most cases, they are written in other languages, including English. I am investigating some possible aspects related to their effective reading, such as formal instruction, vocabulary building, background knowledge etc., and would like to identify aspects effective to reading for information gathering. These aspects may vary according to learner characteristics. In another case, I am performing studies of effective use of media such as music and movie in the language classroom.
Moreover, I would like to investigate the potentiality of BASIC English, which was “discovered” by Charles Kay Ogden, and develop educational materials for EFL/ESL Learners based on Ogden’s idea shown in BASIC English. BASIC English is a simplified and organized English brought up by Charles Kay Ogden as an international auxiliary language, and as an aid for teaching English as a second language. I think his idea is still very significant even today.- Desired cooperation
- Active Reading
- Effective use of media such as music in language classroom
- Cases of organization of learning(or study) support in the university
Student Support Division, Global Center
- Associate professor
- Research Field
Japanese Language Education, Instructional Design
- Keyword(s)
Motivation in Learning, International Baccalaureate, Japanese Language Teacher Training
- Research theme
- Classroom design to motivate learning
- Improving Teaching Practices Through Reflection
- Qualities and abilities required of Japanese language teachers
Outline of research activitiesIt is said that an increase in motivation to learn leads to effective learning in various situations, including the acquisition of a foreign language. Particularly in foreign language learning, the environment and learning experiences are closely related to learning motivation. I aim to clarify what kinds of learning experiences lead to high motivation for learning and to construct a framework for effective classes.
I am also doing research on how to incorporate reflection into teacher training programs and professional development for foreign language teachers. This will enable them to improve their own teaching practices through self-reflection and reflection with others.- Desired cooperation
- Classroom design to motivate learning
- Reflection and Improvement of Teaching Practices
- Qualities and abilities required of Japanese language teachers
Organization for Research and Community Collaboration, Institute of Paleontology and Geochronology
- Professor
- Shinobu ISHIGAKI
- Research Field
Paleontology, Geology, Ichnology, Museology
- Keyword(s)
Paleontology, Dinosaur, Footprint, Behavior, Kinematics, Museum
- Research theme
- Posture, kinematics and social life of dinosaur
- Dinosaur behavior analysis based on the facts of Paleoichnology
- Taphonomy of dinosaur footprints
- Museum exhibits and audience research in the Museum
Outline of research activitiesFootprints are important clue for understanding dinosaur social life and their kinematics. I investigate footprints of the Lower to Upper Jurassic of Morocco, and Upper Cretaceous of Mongolia.
In 2013, Okayama University of Science and Mongolian Academy of Science on paleontological research and education. We execute joint expedition and multidisciplinary study on dinosaur and dinosaur bearing beds in the Gobi Desert.
I also study local fossils of Okayama, and visitor behavior in paleontological exhibit of the museum.
Phogtograph: Parallel trackways of middle-sized Carnivorous dinosaur in the Gobi Desert. These trackways indicate the gregarious behavior of dinosaur.- Desired cooperation
- Comparison of dinosaur social behavior with extant analogues.
- 3D Digital technique for recording dinosaur footprints
- Develop the dinosaur exhibits using digital devices
Organization for Research and Community Collaboration, Research Center for Architectural history and culture
- Professor
- Tsuguto EZURA
- Research Field
History of Japanese Architecture, Prervation and Repair of Cultural Assets, Preservaation of Historic Districts
- Keyword(s)
Historic district and cultural landscape conservation, World Heritage, Ecomuseum
- Research theme
- Study on the early modern to modern temples and shrines and residential architectures
- Study on historic districts and villages (Entrusted researches by municipalities)
- Study on securing engineers and materials for repairing architectures of cultural assets
- Study of residential architectures overseas
Outline of research activitiesIn order to revitalize the rcommunities, many municipalities with declining populations are making efforts to utilize the “history” and “culture” of the region for community development and tourism. However, first of all, it is necessary to academically clarify what are the characteristics of history and culture of the region, and to think of effective ways to use them. The center conducts measurement surveys of historical buildings and townscapes to study the value of cultural assets and methods of utilization, and reports and makes proposals to prefectures and municipalities. We are also promoting research on the utilization of cultural assets at an academic level with the aim of contributing to the local communities, we are training and educating human resources with the ability of “cultural thinking ability” which means to see and think about things from a new point of view with understanding of coexistance and interdependency included in the concept of culture based on the understanding of what is culture. Overseas, we are transferring this technology and training engineers in the Philippines, Bhutan, Fiji, etc., making use of our original restoration method based on surveys of traces.
- Desired cooperation
- Survey Commission for Designation and Registration of Historic Buildings
- Technical guidance and general supervision in cultural asset buildings' repair work
- Consignment of townscape preservation surveys and explanations to local residents
- Training project related to protection of cultural properties, etc.
Faculty of Engineering, Department of Information & Computer Engineering
- Lecturer
- Chiaki UEDA
- Research Field
Color Image Processing
- Keyword(s)
Color Space, Color Effect, Visual Charactereristics
- Research theme
- Image Enhancement for color-vision deficiency
- Image Enhancement Concidering Elderly Eyes
- Color Correction Method between Monitor Screen and Printed Matter
Outline of research activitiesI do research the image processing using color effects and visual characteristics. For example, the human visual features vary with on age. I advance the development of a lightness transform method considering the visual features of the elderly person.
- Desired cooperation
- Research and development of image enhancement concidering elderly eyes
- Research and development of Color Correction Method between Monitor Screen and Printed Matter